Christoph Ernst, PD Dr., is an adjunct professor (Privatdozent) for media studies ant the University of Bonn, currently working in a research project titled »Van Gogh-TV. Cataloguing, Multimedia Documentation and Analysis of their Legacy« (Prof. Anja Stöffler, Hochschule Mainz, Unversity of Applied Sciences & Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn) in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Bonn. Before that, he has worked as a substitute professor and research assistant at the Universities of Siegen, Bonn and Erlangen. Current research interests include diagrammatics & media aesthetics of information visualization; theories of implicit knowledge & digital media with regard to interface theory; media theory & media philosophy, especially with a focus on imagination. Selected publications: Diagrammatik – Ein interdisziplinärer Reader, edited by Birgit Schneider and Jan Wöpking, Berlin: De Gruyter 2016, Medien und implizites Wissen, edited by Jens Schröter, Siegen: Universitätsverlag 2017, Diagramme zwischen Metapher und Explikation – Studien zur Medien- und Filmästhetik der Diagrammatik, Bielefeld: transcript 2020 (forthcoming). Further information: