Marty Huber

Marty Huber is a dra­ma­tur­ge, per­for­mance theo­rist, and queer ac­tivist/​ar­ti­vist. Her work on the in­ter­con­nec­tions of per­for­mance and po­li­tics of­ten re­sults in clan­des­ti­ne, no­ma­dic in­ter­ven­ti­ons in dif­fe­rent spaces. In ad­di­ti­on to her in­te­rest in gen­der and queer theo­ry in prac­tice, she also looks at how they are lin­ked to and si­tua­ted wi­t­hin mi­gra­to­ry and an­ti­ra­cist con­texts. Re­cent­ly she pu­blis­hed her book Queering Gay Pride. Zwischen Assimilation und Widerstand (2013) and she works with dif­fe­rent for­mats of know­ledge pro­duc­tion like lec­tu­re per­for­man­ces. Con­tact:

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