Nyx McLean

Nyx McLean is a re­se­ar­cher spe­cia­li­sing in gen­der, se­xua­li­ty, di­gi­tal pu­blics and com­mu­nities. She is cur­rent­ly working on a PhD which ex­plo­res how the LGB­TIAQ com­mu­ni­ty in South Af­ri­ca uses the in­ter­net as a coun­ter pu­blic. Nyx has worked with the As­so­cia­ti­on for Pro­gres­si­ve Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons on their EROTICS pro­ject sin­ce 2009 as a mem­ber of the South Af­ri­can team. Nyx was re­cent­ly re­co­gnis­ed as one of 200 Young South Africans for her work wi­t­hin South Af­ri­can ci­vil so­cie­ty. Con­tact: nyxmclean@gmail.com. Twit­ter: @NyxM­cLe­an

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