Paula Bialski

Paula Bialski is a so­cio­lo­gist and post­doc­to­ral re­se­arch fel­low ba­sed at Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty’s Di­gi­tal Cul­tu­res Re­se­arch Lab (DCRL). Her past work eth­no­gra­phi­cal­ly stu­di­ed and on­line hitch­hi­king web­sites ( in or­der to map out the way in­ter­ac­tion is being in­itia­ted on­line in or­der to crea­te in­ter­ac­tion off­line. Her book Be­co­m­ing In­ti­mate­ly Mo­bi­le (Frank­furt a.M. 2012) de­scri­bes the ef­fects of mo­bi­li­ty and new me­dia use on in­ti­ma­cy, trust, and stran­ger­hood. Her cur­rent to­pic in­clu­des di­gi­tal in­fra­struc­tu­res, the sharing eco­no­my, and di­gi­tal­ly-me­dia­ted so­cia­li­ty.

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