Paulina Mickiewicz

Pau­li­na Mi­ckie­wicz com­ple­ted a Ph.D. in Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Stu­dies at McGill Uni­ver­si­ty. She holds a Ba­che­lor’s de­gree in Po­li­ti­cal Sci­ence and Eng­lish Cul­tu­ral Stu­dies from McGill Uni­ver­si­ty and a Mas­ter’s de­gree in French Cul­tu­ral Stu­dies from Co­lum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty. Her dis­ser­ta­ti­on “The Bias of Li­bra­ries: Mon­tre­al’s Gran­de Bi­bliothèque” con­siders the role that the li­bra­ry plays as a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons me­di­um and cul­tu­ral tech­no­lo­gy in a pe­ri­od when emer­ging di­gi­tal and net­work me­dia are de­sta­bi­li­zing tra­di­tio­nal no­ti­ons of li­bra­ries and their role as de­mo­cra­tic, pu­blic in­sti­tu­ti­ons. Her re­se­arch in­te­rests fo­cus on cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­ti­ons and ur­ban life, li­bra­ry de­sign and ar­chi­tec­tu­re, di­gi­tal cul­tu­re, rea­ding prac­tices, as well as “li­bra­ry eco­lo­gies” and the me­dia-en­vi­ron­ment in­ter­face. Her pu­bli­ca­ti­ons in­clu­de, “Ac­cess and its Li­mits: The Con­tem­pora­ry Li­bra­ry as a Pu­blic Space” in Space and Cul­tu­re, “Know­ledge Ex­pe­ri­ments: Tech­no­lo­gy and the Li­bra­ry” in Revue Intermédialités, and “Goog­le Books vs. The Li­bra­ry: Shaping Choice, Crea­ting Pu­blics” in Seachange. She is cur­rent­ly working on her book ma­nu­script on the fu­ture of li­bra­ries in the di­gi­tal age, to be pu­blis­hed with Uni­ver­si­ty of To­ron­to Press in 2016. Du­ring her time at McGill, Pau­li­na has been the re­ci­pi­ent of, among others, an FQRSC Doc­to­ral Fel­lowship, an H. An­t­ho­ny Hamp­son Award from the McGill In­sti­tu­te for the Stu­dy of Ca­na­da, a Wol­fe Gra­dua­te Fel­lowship, and a Fa­cul­ty of Arts Gra­dua­te Teaching Award.

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