Rachel O’Dwyer

Rachel O’Dwyer is a post-doc­to­ral re­se­ar­cher and lec­tu­rer in the School of Com­pu­ter Sci­ence at Tri­ni­ty Col­le­ge Dub­lin. Her re­se­arch are­as in­clu­de di­gi­tal com­mons, po­li­ti­cal eco­no­my of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and al­ter­na­ti­ve cur­ren­cies. She is the lea­der of the Dublin Art and Technology Association and the cu­ra­tor of Openhere, a fes­ti­val and con­fe­rence on the di­gi­tal com­mons. She has pu­blis­hed in jour­nals such as Fibreculture and Ephemera, as well as book chap­ters – most re­cent­ly In­sti­tu­te of Net­work Cul­tu­re’s Moneylab Reader (2015) and Rout­ledge’s Companion to Remix Studies (Win­ter 2014). She is a re­gu­lar cont­ri­bu­tor to Neural ma­ga­zi­ne and the foun­ding edi­tor in chief of the open ac­cess peer-re­view­ed jour­nal Interference.

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