Shannon Mattern

Shan­non Mat­tern is an As­so­cia­te Pro­fes­sor in the School of Me­dia Stu­dies at The New School. Her re­se­arch and teaching ad­dress re­la­ti­ons­hips bet­ween the forms and ma­te­ria­li­ties of me­dia and the spaces (ar­chi­tec­tu­ral, ur­ban, con­cep­tu­al) they crea­te and in­ha­bit. She wri­tes about li­bra­ries and ar­chi­ves, me­dia com­pa­nies’ head­quar­ters, place bran­ding, pu­blic de­sign pro­jects, ur­ban me­dia art, me­dia acoustics, me­dia in­fra­struc­tu­res, and ma­te­ri­al texts. She’s the aut­hor of The New Downtown Library: Designing with Communities (2007) and Deep Mapping the Media City (2015), both pu­blis­hed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­ne­so­ta Press; and she’s a co­lum­nist for Places, a jour­nal co­ver­ing ar­chi­tec­tu­re, land­scape, and ur­ba­nism. You can find her at

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