Tyler Hinson

Tyler Hinson is a PhD re­se­ar­cher at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Es­sex, li­ving a life of pre­ca­rious mo­bi­li­ty bet­ween Wi­ven­hoe and Bal­ti­more. His re­se­arch in­te­rests sur­round the the­mes of cul­tu­ral la­bour, af­fect theo­ry, and au­to­no­mist Mar­xism. In syn­the­si­zing the­se are­as, he seeks to high­light the ways in which the work of peop­le like De­leu­ze and Guat­ta­ri, Gil­bert Si­mon­don, and Ga­bri­el Tar­de, among others, pro­vi­des use­ful in­sights into how cul­tu­ral pro­duc­tion can be ap­proa­ched in the era of post-For­dism. He can be re­ached via thin­so@es­sex.ac.uk or http://essex.academia.edu/TylerHinson.

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